Music video divided out!
Scene 1: In this scene, me and my group will film an actor, lying in bed as an alarm clock goes off, this is then when the song will start. Scene 2: After scene one, the next scene will take place in the kitchen of a group mates house, here breakfast will be served and it will start the day. breakfast will include items such ass eggs, bacon, and juice. Scene 3: In scene 3, my group will film two actors walking around frost park talking, and simply catching up about their day, we will be sure to include happy facial expressions to show the meaning of the song. Scene 4: For scene 4, the basketball will be introduced, at the gateway of the basketball court at the park, where an actor will be questioning, "who will we playing basketball with today". Scene 5: This is when we will start a one on one game of basketball, and show different shots of us playing. Scene 6: in scene 6, two actors out of our group will be in the same location, and act thirsty after their game of basketball...