Production: Changes made from Film Review
Today was review day! Me and my partner Riana reviewed the film over face time. We knew it would be easier this way. We weren’t nervous about getting out full result. This is because we knew that if anything looked wrong or somehow even deleted we said that we had time to go back and film. During this review I really saw this as a video for the first time.We had a lot of footage overall. We had some footage on her phone and on my phone. At first it was a lot go through because some clips were only 2 seconds long. Some scenes we filmed, and multiple seconds in someone messed up or we ruined the shot. This process was lengthy at times because of reasons like this. There was over 100 videos on my phone alone.Then we had to go through and watch and delete footage we didn’t like. This was easy at first. However it got more complicated when we had two different versions of a scene and we had to then agree which one we liked better. We pretty much agreed to keep the same clips and thought this was pretty fun and easy. After deleting the so -called junk footage and got our main scenes, we rewatched everything we choose to keep. After rewatching it we deleted a few angle shots as we thought out film would be too long. This was tough because we thought it was pretty much perfect but we had to edit a few things out. While watching we were laughing and loving what we recorded. Even though we had relief of being finished we knew had more to do and prove with the editing.
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