Production: Day Two of Filming!

Day two of filming! We meet at Riana’s house again after a week or so. I came more in the afternoon. We decided to try to film more of our day time scenes this time. So far we have filmed in order! We are going to try to see if we can continue to film in order to keep things easy. We start by filming scene 4. The girl is getting ready for school and sees her father still up from the last night. We have our actor sit on the couch with empty beer bottles. We also have him dress in similar clothing to the last scenes. At this point we are filming a confrontation between the daughter and the father. We are wondering how we can show the conversation between them and make it make sense with the music still playing. This is something we decided to figure out when we edit. The next few scenes are pretty similar in location and costume and time. We knocked out these few scenes pretty quick. One of these next scenes we have the dad storming out of the door. He has to slam the door and we want to make a cool affect with this. While we were filing this part lighting was extremely bright and we had to try a few different angles to get this right. I liked having trial and error and just trying things and seeing if they work. Overall I feel like we have accomplished a bit more. Next time we will have way more time to practically finish the music video. Me, Riana, and the actors that helped us film were all exhausted after filming. ->


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