Production: Finally Finished Filming

It was me and Riana’s final day of filming. We both reviewed the film at home earlier and came ready to talk about what we wanted to change. Before coming I saw all of the footage we have created. I realized I didn’t like how the “slamming door scene” looked. Knowing that I only sent that footage to her and we started finishing the last few scenes. We had a few more scenes and little clips to film. This last day out of 5 was the fastest because of how little we had left. We had a problem filming the scenes with the “drugs or pills”. We didn’t know what to use for the pills and the pill bottles. We didn’t have any of those orange ones that most people have. So we decided to just have the actor taking the pills. (Later that day we find a pill bottle and incorporate it in to the film). After finishing filming we finally discussed what we thought we should change. She agreed with me and we ended up changing the way the door slammed. As we seem to be done filming. We start playing arou...